arXiv reaDer
AGILE: Approach-based Grasp Inference Learned from Element Decomposition
Humans, this species expert in grasp detection, can grasp objects by taking into account hand-object positioning information. This work proposes a method to enable a robot manipulator to learn the same, grasping objects in the most optimal way according to how the gripper has approached the object. Built on deep learning, the proposed method consists of two main stages. In order to generalize the network on unseen objects, the proposed Approach-based Grasping Inference involves an element decomposition stage to split an object into its main parts, each with one or more annotated grasps for a particular approach of the gripper. Subsequently, a grasp detection network utilizes the decomposed elements by Mask R-CNN and the information on the approach of the gripper in order to detect the element the gripper has approached and the most optimal grasp. In order to train the networks, the study introduces a robotic grasping dataset collected in the Coppeliasim simulation environment. The dataset involves 10 different objects with annotated element decomposition masks and grasp rectangles. The proposed method acquires a 90% grasp success rate on seen objects and 78% on unseen objects in the Coppeliasim simulation environment. Lastly, simulation-to-reality domain adaptation is performed by applying transformations on the training set collected in simulation and augmenting the dataset, which results in a 70% physical grasp success performance using a Delta parallel robot and a 2 -fingered gripper.
updated: Tue Feb 06 2024 10:01:10 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Feb 02 2024 10:47:08 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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