arXiv reaDer
AI-generated faces influence gender stereotypes and racial homogenization
Text-to-image generative AI models such as Stable Diffusion are used daily by millions worldwide. However, the extent to which these models exhibit racial and gender stereotypes is not yet fully understood. Here, we document significant biases in Stable Diffusion across six races, two genders, 32 professions, and eight attributes. Additionally, we examine the degree to which Stable Diffusion depicts individuals of the same race as being similar to one another. This analysis reveals significant racial homogenization, e.g., depicting nearly all middle eastern men as dark-skinned, bearded, and wearing a traditional headdress. We then propose novel debiasing solutions that address the above stereotypes. Finally, using a preregistered experiment, we show that being presented with inclusive AI-generated faces reduces people's racial and gender biases, while being presented with non-inclusive ones increases such biases. This persists regardless of whether the images are labeled as AI-generated. Taken together, our findings emphasize the need to address biases and stereotypes in AI-generated content.
updated: Fri May 10 2024 09:42:57 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Feb 01 2024 20:32:14 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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