arXiv reaDer
A Concise but Effective Network for Image Guided Depth Completion in Autonomous Driving
Depth completion is a crucial task in autonomous driving, aiming to convert a sparse depth map into a dense depth prediction. Due to its potentially rich semantic information, RGB image is commonly fused to enhance the completion effect. Image-guided depth completion involves three key challenges: 1) how to effectively fuse the two modalities; 2) how to better recover depth information; and 3) how to achieve real-time prediction for practical autonomous driving. To solve the above problems, we propose a concise but effective network, named CENet, to achieve high-performance depth completion with a simple and elegant structure. Firstly, we use a fast guidance module to fuse the two sensor features, utilizing abundant auxiliary features extracted from the color space. Unlike other commonly used complicated guidance modules, our approach is intuitive and low-cost. In addition, we find and analyze the optimization inconsistency problem for observed and unobserved positions, and a decoupled depth prediction head is proposed to alleviate the issue. The proposed decoupled head can better output the depth of valid and invalid positions with very few extra inference time. Based on the simple structure of dual-encoder and single-decoder, our CENet can achieve superior balance between accuracy and efficiency. In the KITTI depth completion benchmark, our CENet attains competitive performance and inference speed compared with the state-of-the-art methods. To validate the generalization of our method, we also evaluate on indoor NYUv2 dataset, and our CENet still achieve impressive results. The code of this work will be available at
updated: Mon Jan 29 2024 06:06:45 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Jan 29 2024 06:06:45 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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