arXiv reaDer
UAV-Borne Mapping Algorithms for Low-Altitude and High-Speed Drone Applications
This article presents an analysis of current state-of-the-art sensors and how these sensors work with several mapping algorithms for UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) applications, focusing on low-altitude and high-speed scenarios. A new experimental construct is created using highly realistic environments made possible by integrating the AirSim simulator with Google 3D maps models using the Cesium Tiles plugin. Experiments are conducted in this high-realism simulated environment to evaluate the performance of three distinct mapping algorithms: (1) Direct Sparse Odometry (DSO), (2) Stereo DSO (SDSO), and (3) DSO Lite (DSOL). Experimental results evaluate algorithms based on their measured geometric accuracy and computational speed. The results provide valuable insights into the strengths and limitations of each algorithm. Findings quantify compromises in UAV algorithm selection, allowing researchers to find the mapping solution best suited to their application, which often requires a compromise between computational performance and the density and accuracy of geometric map estimates. Results indicate that for UAVs with restrictive computing resources, DSOL is the best option. For systems with payload capacity and modest compute resources, SDSO is the best option. If only one camera is available, DSO is the option to choose for applications that require dense mapping results.
updated: Fri Mar 29 2024 18:02:27 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Jan 12 2024 07:04:44 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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