arXiv reaDer
Derm-T2IM: Harnessing Synthetic Skin Lesion Data via Stable Diffusion Models for Enhanced Skin Disease Classification using ViT and CNN
This study explores the utilization of Dermatoscopic synthetic data generated through stable diffusion models as a strategy for enhancing the robustness of machine learning model training. Synthetic data generation plays a pivotal role in mitigating challenges associated with limited labeled datasets, thereby facilitating more effective model training. In this context, we aim to incorporate enhanced data transformation techniques by extending the recent success of few-shot learning and a small amount of data representation in text-to-image latent diffusion models. The optimally tuned model is further used for rendering high-quality skin lesion synthetic data with diverse and realistic characteristics, providing a valuable supplement and diversity to the existing training data. We investigate the impact of incorporating newly generated synthetic data into the training pipeline of state-of-art machine learning models, assessing its effectiveness in enhancing model performance and generalization to unseen real-world data. Our experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of the synthetic data generated through stable diffusion models helps in improving the robustness and adaptability of end-to-end CNN and vision transformer models on two different real-world skin lesion datasets.
updated: Wed Jan 10 2024 13:46:03 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Jan 10 2024 13:46:03 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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