arXiv reaDer
WoodScape Motion Segmentation for Autonomous Driving -- CVPR 2023 OmniCV Workshop Challenge
Motion segmentation is a complex yet indispensable task in autonomous driving. The challenges introduced by the ego-motion of the cameras, radial distortion in fisheye lenses, and the need for temporal consistency make the task more complicated, rendering traditional and standard Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) approaches less effective. The consequent laborious data labeling, representation of diverse and uncommon scenarios, and extensive data capture requirements underscore the imperative of synthetic data for improving machine learning model performance. To this end, we employ the PD-WoodScape synthetic dataset developed by Parallel Domain, alongside the WoodScape fisheye dataset. Thus, we present the WoodScape fisheye motion segmentation challenge for autonomous driving, held as part of the CVPR 2023 Workshop on Omnidirectional Computer Vision (OmniCV). As one of the first competitions focused on fisheye motion segmentation, we aim to explore and evaluate the potential and impact of utilizing synthetic data in this domain. In this paper, we provide a detailed analysis on the competition which attracted the participation of 112 global teams and a total of 234 submissions. This study delineates the complexities inherent in the task of motion segmentation, emphasizes the significance of fisheye datasets, articulate the necessity for synthetic datasets and the resultant domain gap they engender, outlining the foundational blueprint for devising successful solutions. Subsequently, we delve into the details of the baseline experiments and winning methods evaluating their qualitative and quantitative results, providing with useful insights.
updated: Tue Jan 16 2024 16:28:58 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sun Dec 31 2023 23:53:50 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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