arXiv reaDer
BRAU-Net++: U-Shaped Hybrid CNN-Transformer Network for Medical Image Segmentation
Accurate medical image segmentation is essential for clinical quantification, disease diagnosis, treatment planning and many other applications. Both convolution-based and transformer-based u-shaped architectures have made significant success in various medical image segmentation tasks. The former can efficiently learn local information of images while requiring much more image-specific inductive biases inherent to convolution operation. The latter can effectively capture long-range dependency at different feature scales using self-attention, whereas it typically encounters the challenges of quadratic compute and memory requirements with sequence length increasing. To address this problem, through integrating the merits of these two paradigms in a well-designed u-shaped architecture, we propose a hybrid yet effective CNN-Transformer network, named BRAU-Net++, for an accurate medical image segmentation task. Specifically, BRAU-Net++ uses bi-level routing attention as the core building block to design our u-shaped encoder-decoder structure, in which both encoder and decoder are hierarchically constructed, so as to learn global semantic information while reducing computational complexity. Furthermore, this network restructures skip connection by incorporating channel-spatial attention which adopts convolution operations, aiming to minimize local spatial information loss and amplify global dimension-interaction of multi-scale features. Extensive experiments on three public benchmark datasets demonstrate that our proposed approach surpasses other state-of-the-art methods including its baseline: BRAU-Net under almost all evaluation metrics. We achieve the average Dice-Similarity Coefficient (DSC) of 82.47, 90.10, and 92.94 on Synapse multi-organ segmentation, ISIC-2018 Challenge, and CVC-ClinicDB, as well as the mIoU of 84.01 and 88.17 on ISIC-2018 Challenge and CVC-ClinicDB, respectively.
updated: Mon Sep 30 2024 04:23:54 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Jan 01 2024 10:49:09 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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