arXiv reaDer
SERF: Fine-Grained Interactive 3D Segmentation and Editing with Radiance Fields
Although significant progress has been made in the field of 2D-based interactive editing, fine-grained 3D-based interactive editing remains relatively unexplored. This limitation can be attributed to two main challenges: the lack of an efficient 3D representation robust to different modifications and the absence of an effective 3D interactive segmentation method. In this paper, we introduce a novel fine-grained interactive 3D segmentation and editing algorithm with radiance fields, which we refer to as SERF. Our method entails creating a neural mesh representation by integrating multi-view algorithms with pre-trained 2D models. Building upon this representation, we introduce a novel surface rendering technique that preserves local information and is robust to deformation. Moreover, this representation forms the basis for achieving accurate and interactive 3D segmentation without requiring 3D supervision. Harnessing this representation facilitates a range of interactive 3D editing operations, encompassing tasks such as interactive geometry editing and texture painting. Extensive experiments and visualization examples of editing on both real and synthetic data demonstrate the superiority of our method on representation quality and editing ability.
updated: Thu Oct 31 2024 14:48:23 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Dec 26 2023 02:50:42 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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