arXiv reaDer
Sparse-view CT Reconstruction with 3D Gaussian Volumetric Representation
Sparse-view CT is a promising strategy for reducing the radiation dose of traditional CT scans, but reconstructing high-quality images from incomplete and noisy data is challenging. Recently, 3D Gaussian has been applied to model complex natural scenes, demonstrating fast convergence and better rendering of novel views compared to implicit neural representations (INRs). Taking inspiration from the successful application of 3D Gaussians in natural scene modeling and novel view synthesis, we investigate their potential for sparse-view CT reconstruction. We leverage prior information from the filtered-backprojection reconstructed image to initialize the Gaussians; and update their parameters via comparing difference in the projection space. Performance is further enhanced by adaptive density control. Compared to INRs, 3D Gaussians benefit more from prior information to explicitly bypass learning in void spaces and allocate the capacity efficiently, accelerating convergence. 3D Gaussians also efficiently learn high-frequency details. Trained in a self-supervised manner, 3D Gaussians avoid the need for large-scale paired data. Our experiments on the AAPM-Mayo dataset demonstrate that 3D Gaussians can provide superior performance compared to INR-based methods. This work is in progress, and the code will be publicly available.
updated: Mon Dec 25 2023 09:47:33 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Dec 25 2023 09:47:33 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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