arXiv reaDer
Perception-Distortion Balanced Super-Resolution: A Multi-Objective Optimization Perspective
High perceptual quality and low distortion degree are two important goals in image restoration tasks such as super-resolution (SR). Most of the existing SR methods aim to achieve these goals by minimizing the corresponding yet conflicting losses, such as the ℓ_1 loss and the adversarial loss. Unfortunately, the commonly used gradient-based optimizers, such as Adam, are hard to balance these objectives due to the opposite gradient decent directions of the contradictory losses. In this paper, we formulate the perception-distortion trade-off in SR as a multi-objective optimization problem and develop a new optimizer by integrating the gradient-free evolutionary algorithm (EA) with gradient-based Adam, where EA and Adam focus on the divergence and convergence of the optimization directions respectively. As a result, a population of optimal models with different perception-distortion preferences is obtained. We then design a fusion network to merge these models into a single stronger one for an effective perception-distortion trade-off. Experiments demonstrate that with the same backbone network, the perception-distortion balanced SR model trained by our method can achieve better perceptual quality than its competitors while attaining better reconstruction fidelity. Codes and models can be found at}{
updated: Tue Sep 24 2024 08:23:43 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sun Dec 24 2023 04:59:30 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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