arXiv reaDer
Deep Learning Based Face Recognition Method using Siamese Network
Achieving state-of-the-art results in face verification systems typically hinges on the availability of labeled face training data, a resource that often proves challenging to acquire in substantial quantities. In this research endeavor, we proposed employing Siamese networks for face recognition, eliminating the need for labeled face images. We achieve this by strategically leveraging negative samples alongside nearest neighbor counterparts, thereby establishing positive and negative pairs through an unsupervised methodology. The architectural framework adopts a VGG encoder, trained as a double branch siamese network. Our primary aim is to circumvent the necessity for labeled face image data, thus proposing the generation of training pairs in an entirely unsupervised manner. Positive training data are selected within a dataset based on their highest cosine similarity scores with a designated anchor, while negative training data are culled in a parallel fashion, though drawn from an alternate dataset. During training, the proposed siamese network conducts binary classification via cross-entropy loss. Subsequently, during the testing phase, we directly extract face verification scores from the network's output layer. Experimental results reveal that the proposed unsupervised system delivers a performance on par with a similar but fully supervised baseline.
updated: Fri Feb 09 2024 02:32:57 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Dec 21 2023 16:35:11 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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