arXiv reaDer
BridgeNet: Comprehensive and Effective Feature Interactions via Bridge Feature for Multi-task Dense Predictions
Multi-task dense prediction aims at handling multiple pixel-wise prediction tasks within a unified network simultaneously for visual scene understanding. However, cross-task feature interactions of current methods are still suffering from incomplete levels of representations, less discriminative semantics in feature participants, and inefficient pair-wise task interaction processes. To tackle these under-explored issues, we propose a novel BridgeNet framework, which extracts comprehensive and discriminative intermediate Bridge Features, and conducts interactions based on them. Specifically, a Task Pattern Propagation (TPP) module is firstly applied to ensure highly semantic task-specific feature participants are prepared for subsequent interactions, and a Bridge Feature Extractor (BFE) is specially designed to selectively integrate both high-level and low-level representations to generate the comprehensive bridge features. Then, instead of conducting heavy pair-wise cross-task interactions, a Task-Feature Refiner (TFR) is developed to efficiently take guidance from bridge features and form final task predictions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work considering the completeness and quality of feature participants in cross-task interactions. Extensive experiments are conducted on NYUD-v2, Cityscapes and PASCAL Context benchmarks, and the superior performance shows the proposed architecture is effective and powerful in promoting different dense prediction tasks simultaneously.
updated: Sat Nov 23 2024 05:48:25 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Dec 21 2023 01:30:44 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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