arXiv reaDer
A Distributed Privacy Preserving Model for the Detection of Alzheimer's Disease
In the era of rapidly advancing medical technologies, the segmentation of medical data has become inevitable, necessitating the development of privacy preserving machine learning algorithms that can train on distributed data. Consolidating sensitive medical data is not always an option particularly due to the stringent privacy regulations imposed by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). In this paper, I introduce a HIPAA compliant framework that can train from distributed data. I then propose a multimodal vertical federated model for Alzheimer's Disease (AD) detection, a serious neurodegenerative condition that can cause dementia, severely impairing brain function and hindering simple tasks, especially without preventative care. This vertical federated learning (VFL) model offers a distributed architecture that enables collaborative learning across diverse sources of medical data while respecting privacy constraints imposed by HIPAA. The VFL architecture proposed herein offers a novel distributed architecture, enabling collaborative learning across diverse sources of medical data while respecting statutory privacy constraints. By leveraging multiple modalities of data, the robustness and accuracy of AD detection can be enhanced. This model not only contributes to the advancement of federated learning techniques but also holds promise for overcoming the hurdles posed by data segmentation in medical research.
updated: Thu Sep 26 2024 21:24:00 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Dec 15 2023 22:09:04 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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