arXiv reaDer
Embodied Laser Attack:Leveraging Scene Priors to Achieve Agent-based Robust Non-contact Attacks
As physical adversarial attacks become extensively applied in unearthing the potential risk of security-critical scenarios, especially in dynamic scenarios, their vulnerability to environmental variations has also been brought to light. The non-robust nature of physical adversarial attack methods brings less-than-stable performance consequently. Although methods such as EOT have enhanced the robustness of traditional contact attacks like adversarial patches, they fall short in practicality and concealment within dynamic environments such as traffic scenarios. Meanwhile, non-contact laser attacks, while offering enhanced adaptability, face constraints due to a limited optimization space for their attributes, rendering EOT less effective. This limitation underscores the necessity for developing a new strategy to augment the robustness of such practices. To address these issues, this paper introduces the Embodied Laser Attack (ELA), a novel framework that leverages the embodied intelligence paradigm of Perception-Decision-Control to dynamically tailor non-contact laser attacks. For the perception module, given the challenge of simulating the victim's view by full-image transformation, ELA has innovatively developed a local perspective transformation network, based on the intrinsic prior knowledge of traffic scenes and enables effective and efficient estimation. For the decision and control module, ELA trains an attack agent with data-driven reinforcement learning instead of adopting time-consuming heuristic algorithms, making it capable of instantaneously determining a valid attack strategy with the perceived information by well-designed rewards, which is then conducted by a controllable laser emitter. Experimentally, we apply our framework to diverse traffic scenarios both in the digital and physical world, verifying the effectiveness of our method under dynamic successive scenes.
updated: Fri Jul 26 2024 11:54:30 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Dec 15 2023 06:16:17 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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