arXiv reaDer
Global Latent Neural Rendering
A recent trend among generalizable novel view synthesis methods is to learn a rendering operator acting over single camera rays. This approach is promising because it removes the need for explicit volumetric rendering, but it effectively treats target images as collections of independent pixels. Here, we propose to learn a global rendering operator acting over all camera rays jointly. We show that the right representation to enable such rendering is the 5-dimensional plane sweep volume, consisting of the projection of the input images on a set of planes facing the target camera. Based on this understanding, we introduce our Convolutional Global Latent Renderer (ConvGLR), an efficient convolutional architecture that performs the rendering operation globally in a low-resolution latent space. Experiments on various datasets under sparse and generalizable setups show that our approach consistently outperforms existing methods by significant margins.
updated: Wed Dec 13 2023 18:14:13 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Dec 13 2023 18:14:13 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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