arXiv reaDer
GPT4SGG: Synthesizing Scene Graphs from Holistic and Region-specific Narratives
Training Scene Graph Generation (SGG) models with natural language captions has become increasingly popular due to the abundant, cost-effective, and open-world generalization supervision signals that natural language offers. However, such unstructured caption data and its processing pose significant challenges in learning accurate and comprehensive scene graphs. The challenges can be summarized as three aspects: 1) traditional scene graph parsers based on linguistic representation often fail to extract meaningful relationship triplets from caption data. 2) grounding unlocalized objects of parsed triplets will meet ambiguity issues in visual-language alignment. 3) caption data typically are sparse and exhibit bias to partial observations of image content. Aiming to address these problems, we propose a divide-and-conquer strategy with a novel framework named GPT4SGG, to obtain more accurate and comprehensive scene graph signals. This framework decomposes a complex scene into a bunch of simple regions, resulting in a set of region-specific narratives. With these region-specific narratives (partial observations) and a holistic narrative (global observation) for an image, a large language model (LLM) performs the relationship reasoning to synthesize an accurate and comprehensive scene graph. Experimental results demonstrate GPT4SGG significantly improves the performance of SGG models trained on image-caption data, in which the ambiguity issue and long-tail bias have been well-handled with more accurate and comprehensive scene graphs.
updated: Sun Jun 02 2024 11:32:19 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Dec 07 2023 14:11:00 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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