arXiv reaDer
Re-Nerfing: Improving Novel Views Synthesis through Novel Views Synthesis
Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) have shown remarkable novel view synthesis capabilities even in large-scale, unbounded scenes, albeit requiring hundreds of views or introducing artifacts in sparser settings. Their optimization suffers from shape-radiance ambiguities wherever only a small visual overlap is available. This leads to erroneous scene geometry and artifacts. In this paper, we propose Re-Nerfing, a simple and general multi-stage data augmentation approach that leverages NeRF's own view synthesis ability to address these limitations. With Re-Nerfing, we enhance the geometric consistency of novel views as follows: First, we train a NeRF with the available views. Then, we use the optimized NeRF to synthesize pseudo-views around the original ones with a view selection strategy to improve coverage and preserve view quality. Finally, we train a second NeRF with both the original images and the pseudo views masking out uncertain regions. Extensive experiments applying Re-Nerfing on various pipelines on the mip-NeRF 360 dataset, including Gaussian Splatting, provide valuable insights into the improvements achievable without external data or supervision, on denser and sparser input scenarios. Project page:
updated: Wed Apr 17 2024 17:44:44 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Dec 04 2023 18:56:08 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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