arXiv reaDer
Segment Any 3D Gaussians
This paper presents SAGA (Segment Any 3D GAussians), a highly efficient 3D promptable segmentation method based on 3D Gaussian Splatting (3D-GS). Given 2D visual prompts as input, SAGA can segment the corresponding 3D target represented by 3D Gaussians within 4 ms. This is achieved by attaching an scale-gated affinity feature to each 3D Gaussian to endow it a new property towards multi-granularity segmentation. Specifically, a scale-aware contrastive training strategy is proposed for the scale-gated affinity feature learning. It 1) distills the segmentation capability of the Segment Anything Model (SAM) from 2D masks into the affinity features and 2) employs a soft scale gate mechanism to deal with multi-granularity ambiguity in 3D segmentation through adjusting the magnitude of each feature channel according to a specified 3D physical scale. Evaluations demonstrate that SAGA achieves real-time multi-granularity segmentation with quality comparable to state-of-the-art methods. As one of the first methods addressing promptable segmentation in 3D-GS, the simplicity and effectiveness of SAGA pave the way for future advancements in this field. Our code will be released.
updated: Mon May 27 2024 10:24:31 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Dec 01 2023 17:15:24 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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