arXiv reaDer
SynFundus: A synthetic fundus images dataset with millions of samples and multi-disease annotations
In the field of medical imaging, there are seldom large-scale public datasets with high-quality annotations due to data privacy and annotation cost. To address this issue, we release SynFundus-1M, a high-quality synthetic dataset containing over 1 million fundus images w.r.t. 11 disease types. Moreover, we intentionally diversify the readability of the images and accordingly provide 4 types of the quality score for each image. To the best of our knowledge, SynFundus-1M is currently the largest fundus dataset with the most sophisticated annotations. All the images are generated by a Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model, named SynFundus-Generator. Trained with over 1.3 million private fundus images, our SynFundus-Generator achieves significant superior performance in generating fundus images compared to some recent related works. Furthermore, we blend some synthetic images from SynFundus-1M with real fundus images, and ophthalmologists can hardly distinguish the synthetic images from real ones. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that both convolutional neural networs (CNN) and Vision Transformer (ViT) can benefit from SynFundus-1M by pretraining or training directly. Compared to datasets like ImageNet or EyePACS, models trained on SynFundus-1M not only achieve better performance but also faster convergence on various downstream tasks.
updated: Mon Dec 11 2023 11:57:50 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Dec 01 2023 06:48:03 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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