arXiv reaDer
Unsupervised Multimodal Deepfake Detection Using Intra- and Cross-Modal Inconsistencies
Deepfake videos present an increasing threat to society with potentially negative impact on criminal justice, democracy, and personal safety and privacy. Meanwhile, detecting deepfakes, at scale, remains a very challenging task that often requires labeled training data from existing deepfake generation methods. Further, even the most accurate supervised deepfake detection methods do not generalize to deepfakes generated using new generation methods. In this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised method for detecting deepfake videos by directly identifying intra-modal and cross-modal inconsistency between video segments. The fundamental hypothesis behind the proposed detection method is that motion or identity inconsistencies are inevitable in deepfake videos. We will mathematically and empirically support this hypothesis, and then proceed to constructing our method grounded in our theoretical analysis. Our proposed method outperforms prior state-of-the-art unsupervised deepfake detection methods on the challenging FakeAVCeleb dataset, and also has several additional advantages: it is scalable because it does not require pristine (real) samples for each identity during inference and therefore can apply to arbitrarily many identities, generalizable because it is trained only on real videos and therefore does not rely on a particular deepfake method, reliable because it does not rely on any likelihood estimation in high dimensions, and explainable because it can pinpoint the exact location of modality inconsistencies which are then verifiable by a human expert.
updated: Thu Jun 20 2024 20:24:59 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Nov 28 2023 03:28:19 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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