arXiv reaDer
Q-Seg: Quantum Annealing-Based Unsupervised Image Segmentation
We present Q-Seg, a novel unsupervised image segmentation method based on quantum annealing, tailored for existing quantum hardware. We formulate the pixel-wise segmentation problem, which assimilates spectral and spatial information of the image, as a graph-cut optimization task. Our method efficiently leverages the interconnected qubit topology of the D-Wave Advantage device, offering superior scalability over existing quantum approaches and outperforming several tested state-of-the-art classical methods. Empirical evaluations on synthetic datasets have shown that Q-Seg has better runtime performance than the state-of-the-art classical optimizer Gurobi. The method has also been tested on earth observation image segmentation, a critical area with noisy and unreliable annotations. In the era of noisy intermediate-scale quantum, Q-Seg emerges as a reliable contender for real-world applications in comparison to advanced techniques like Segment Anything. Consequently, Q-Seg offers a promising solution using available quantum hardware, especially in situations constrained by limited labeled data and the need for efficient computational runtime.
updated: Thu Sep 05 2024 01:57:51 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Nov 21 2023 17:27:20 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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