arXiv reaDer
High-resolution Image-based Malware Classification using Multiple Instance Learning
This paper proposes a novel method of classifying malware into families using high-resolution greyscale images and multiple instance learning to overcome adversarial binary enlargement. Current methods of visualisation-based malware classification largely rely on lossy transformations of inputs such as resizing to handle the large, variable-sized images. Through empirical analysis and experimentation, it is shown that these approaches cause crucial information loss that can be exploited. The proposed solution divides the images into patches and uses embedding-based multiple instance learning with a convolutional neural network and an attention aggregation function for classification. The implementation is evaluated on the Microsoft Malware Classification dataset and achieves accuracies of up to 96.6% on adversarially enlarged samples compared to the baseline of 22.8%. The Python code is available online at .
updated: Tue Nov 21 2023 18:11:26 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Nov 21 2023 18:11:26 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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