arXiv reaDer
Exploring Lip Segmentation Techniques in Computer Vision: A Comparative Analysis
Lip segmentation is crucial in computer vision, especially for lip reading. Despite extensive face segmentation research, lip segmentation has received limited attention. The aim of this study is to compare state-of-the-art lip segmentation models using a standardized setting and a publicly available dataset. Five techniques, namely EHANet, Mask2Former, BiSeNet V2, PIDNet, and STDC1, are qualitatively selected based on their reported performance, inference time, code availability, recency, and popularity. The CelebAMask-HQ dataset, comprising manually annotated face images, is used to fairly assess the lip segmentation performance of the selected models. Inference experiments are conducted on a Raspberry Pi4 to emulate limited computational resources. The results show that Mask2Former and EHANet have the best performances in terms of mIoU score. BiSeNet V2 demonstrate competitive performance, while PIDNet excels in recall but has lower precision. Most models present inference time ranging from 1000 to around 3000 milliseconds on a Raspberry Pi4, with PIDNet having the lowest mean inference time. This study provides a comprehensive evaluation of lip segmentation models, highlighting their performance and inference times. The findings contribute to the development of lightweight techniques and establish benchmarks for future advances in lip segmentation, especially in IoT and edge computing scenarios.
updated: Mon Nov 20 2023 18:23:41 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Nov 20 2023 18:23:41 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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