arXiv reaDer
Estimating Uncertainty in Landslide Segmentation Models
Landslides are a recurring, widespread hazard. Preparation and mitigation efforts can be aided by a high-quality, large-scale dataset that covers global at-risk areas. Such a dataset currently does not exist and is impossible to construct manually. Recent automated efforts focus on deep learning models for landslide segmentation (pixel labeling) from satellite imagery. However, it is also important to characterize the uncertainty or confidence levels of such segmentations. Accurate and robust uncertainty estimates can enable low-cost (in terms of manual labor) oversight of auto-generated landslide databases to resolve errors, identify hard negative examples, and increase the size of labeled training data. In this paper, we evaluate several methods for assessing pixel-level uncertainty of the segmentation. Three methods that do not require architectural changes were compared, including Pre-Threshold activations, Monte-Carlo Dropout and Test-Time Augmentation -- a method that measures the robustness of predictions in the face of data augmentation. Experimentally, the quality of the latter method was consistently higher than the others across a variety of models and metrics in our dataset.
updated: Mon Mar 25 2024 16:10:20 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat Nov 18 2023 18:18:33 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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