arXiv reaDer
LightBTSeg: A lightweight breast tumor segmentation model using ultrasound images via dual-path joint knowledge distillation
The accurate segmentation of breast tumors is an important prerequisite for lesion detection, which has significant clinical value for breast tumor research. The mainstream deep learning-based methods have achieved a breakthrough. However, these high-performance segmentation methods are formidable to implement in clinical scenarios since they always embrace high computation complexity, massive parameters, slow inference speed, and huge memory consumption. To tackle this problem, we propose LightBTSeg, a dual-path joint knowledge distillation framework, for lightweight breast tumor segmentation. Concretely, we design a double-teacher model to represent the fine-grained feature of breast ultrasound according to different semantic feature realignments of benign and malignant breast tumors. Specifically, we leverage the bottleneck architecture to reconstruct the original Attention U-Net. It is regarded as a lightweight student model named Simplified U-Net. Then, the prior knowledge of benign and malignant categories is utilized to design the teacher network combined dual-path joint knowledge distillation, which distills the knowledge from cumbersome benign and malignant teachers to a lightweight student model. Extensive experiments conducted on breast ultrasound images (Dataset BUSI) and Breast Ultrasound Dataset B (Dataset B) datasets demonstrate that LightBTSeg outperforms various counterparts.
updated: Sat Nov 18 2023 14:25:40 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat Nov 18 2023 14:25:40 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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