arXiv reaDer
Jenga Stacking Based on 6D Pose Estimation for Architectural Form Finding Process
This paper includes a review of current state of the art 6d pose estimation methods, as well as a discussion of which pose estimation method should be used in two types of architectural design scenarios. Taking the latest pose estimation research Gen6d as an example, we make a qualitative assessment of the current openset methods in terms of application level, prediction speed, resistance to occlusion, accuracy, resistance to environmental interference, etc. In addition, we try to combine 6D pose estimation and building wind environment assessment to create tangible architectural design approach, we discuss the limitations of the method and point out the direction in which 6d pose estimation is eager to progress in this scenario.
updated: Sat Nov 18 2023 00:15:53 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat Nov 18 2023 00:15:53 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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