arXiv reaDer
Trustworthy Large Models in Vision: A Survey
The rapid progress of Large Models (LMs) has recently revolutionized various fields of deep learning with remarkable grades, ranging from Natural Language Processing (NLP) to Computer Vision (CV). However, LMs are increasingly challenged and criticized by academia and industry due to their powerful performance but untrustworthy behavior, which urgently needs to be alleviated by reliable methods. Despite the abundance of literature on trustworthy LMs in NLP, a systematic survey specifically delving into the trustworthiness of LMs in CV remains absent. In order to mitigate this gap, we summarize four relevant concerns that obstruct the trustworthy usage in vision of LMs in this survey, including 1) human misuse, 2) vulnerability, 3) inherent issue and 4) interpretability. By highlighting corresponding challenge, countermeasures, and discussion in each topic, we hope this survey will facilitate readers' understanding of this field, promote alignment of LMs with human expectations and enable trustworthy LMs to serve as welfare rather than disaster for human society.
updated: Fri Nov 17 2023 17:51:03 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Nov 16 2023 08:49:46 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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