arXiv reaDer
LymphoML: An interpretable artificial intelligence-based method identifies morphologic features that correlate with lymphoma subtype
The accurate classification of lymphoma subtypes using hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained tissue is complicated by the wide range of morphological features these cancers can exhibit. We present LymphoML - an interpretable machine learning method that identifies morphologic features that correlate with lymphoma subtypes. Our method applies steps to process H&E-stained tissue microarray cores, segment nuclei and cells, compute features encompassing morphology, texture, and architecture, and train gradient-boosted models to make diagnostic predictions. LymphoML's interpretable models, developed on a limited volume of H&E-stained tissue, achieve non-inferior diagnostic accuracy to pathologists using whole-slide images and outperform black box deep-learning on a dataset of 670 cases from Guatemala spanning 8 lymphoma subtypes. Using SHapley Additive exPlanation (SHAP) analysis, we assess the impact of each feature on model prediction and find that nuclear shape features are most discriminative for DLBCL (F1-score: 78.7%) and classical Hodgkin lymphoma (F1-score: 74.5%). Finally, we provide the first demonstration that a model combining features from H&E-stained tissue with features from a standardized panel of 6 immunostains results in a similar diagnostic accuracy (85.3%) to a 46-stain panel (86.1%).
updated: Mon Nov 20 2023 02:01:33 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Nov 16 2023 05:17:14 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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