This research aims to investigate the classification accuracy of various state-of-the-art image classification models across different categories of breast ultrasound images, as defined by the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS). To achieve this, we have utilized a comprehensively assembled dataset of 2,945 mammographic images sourced from 1,540 patients. In order to conduct a thorough analysis, we employed six advanced classification architectures, including VGG19 simonyan2014very, ResNet50 he2016deep, GoogleNet szegedy2015going, ConvNext liu2022convnet, EfficientNet tan2019efficientnet, and Vision Transformers (ViT) dosovitskiy2020image, instead of traditional machine learning models. We evaluate models in three different settings: full fine-tuning, linear evaluation and training from scratch. Our findings demonstrate the effectiveness and capability of our Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) system, with a remarkable accuracy of 76.39% and an F1 score of 67.94% in the full fine-tuning setting. Our findings indicate the potential for enhanced diagnostic accuracy in the field of breast imaging, providing a solid foundation for future endeavors aiming to improve the precision and reliability of CAD systems in medical imaging.