arXiv reaDer
Deep Fast Vision: A Python Library for Accelerated Deep Transfer Learning Vision Prototyping
Deep learning-based vision is characterized by intricate frameworks that often necessitate a profound understanding, presenting a barrier to newcomers and limiting broad adoption. With many researchers grappling with the constraints of smaller datasets, there's a pronounced reliance on pre-trained neural networks, especially for tasks such as image classification. This reliance is further intensified in niche imaging areas where obtaining vast datasets is challenging. Despite the widespread use of transfer learning as a remedy to the small dataset dilemma, a conspicuous absence of tailored auto-ML solutions persists. Addressing these challenges is "Deep Fast Vision", a python library that streamlines the deep learning process. This tool offers a user-friendly experience, enabling results through a simple nested dictionary definition, helping to democratize deep learning for non-experts. Designed for simplicity and scalability, Deep Fast Vision appears as a bridge, connecting the complexities of existing deep learning frameworks with the needs of a diverse user base.
updated: Fri Nov 10 2023 16:36:49 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Nov 10 2023 16:36:49 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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