arXiv reaDer
Cross-Silo Federated Learning Across Divergent Domains with Iterative Parameter Alignment
Learning from the collective knowledge of data dispersed across private sources can provide neural networks with enhanced generalization capabilities. Federated learning, a method for collaboratively training a machine learning model across remote clients, achieves this by combining client models via the orchestration of a central server. However, current approaches face two critical limitations: i) they struggle to converge when client domains are sufficiently different, and ii) current aggregation techniques produce an identical global model for each client. In this work, we address these issues by reformulating the typical federated learning setup: rather than learning a single global model, we learn N models each optimized for a common objective. To achieve this, we apply a weighted distance minimization to model parameters shared in a peer-to-peer topology. The resulting framework, Iterative Parameter Alignment, applies naturally to the cross-silo setting, and has the following properties: (i) a unique solution for each participant, with the option to globally converge each model in the federation, and (ii) an optional early-stopping mechanism to elicit fairness among peers in collaborative learning settings. These characteristics jointly provide a flexible new framework for iteratively learning from peer models trained on disparate datasets. We find that the technique achieves competitive results on a variety of data partitions compared to state-of-the-art approaches. Further, we show that the method is robust to divergent domains (i.e. disjoint classes across peers) where existing approaches struggle.
updated: Tue Nov 14 2023 21:59:36 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Nov 08 2023 16:42:14 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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