arXiv reaDer
ChEF: A Comprehensive Evaluation Framework for Standardized Assessment of Multimodal Large Language Models
Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have shown impressive abilities in interacting with visual content with myriad potential downstream tasks. However, even though a list of benchmarks has been proposed, the capabilities and limitations of MLLMs are still not comprehensively understood, due to a lack of a standardized and holistic evaluation framework. To this end, we present the first Comprehensive Evaluation Framework (ChEF) that can holistically profile each MLLM and fairly compare different MLLMs. First, we structure ChEF as four modular components, i.e., Scenario as scalable multimodal datasets, Instruction as flexible instruction retrieving formulae, Inferencer as reliable question answering strategies, and Metric as indicative task-specific score functions. Based on them, ChEF facilitates versatile evaluations in a standardized framework, and new evaluations can be built by designing new Recipes (systematic selection of these four components). Notably, current MLLM benchmarks can be readily summarized as recipes of ChEF. Second, we introduce 6 new recipes to quantify competent MLLMs' desired capabilities (or called desiderata, i.e., calibration, in-context learning, instruction following, language performance, hallucination, and robustness) as reliable agents that can perform real-world multimodal interactions. Third, we conduct a large-scale evaluation of 9 prominent MLLMs on 9 scenarios and 6 desiderata. Our evaluation summarized over 20 valuable observations concerning the generalizability of MLLMs across various scenarios and the composite capability of MLLMs required for multimodal interactions. We will publicly release all the detailed implementations for further analysis, as well as an easy-to-use modular toolkit for the integration of new recipes and models, so that ChEF can be a growing evaluation framework for the MLLM community.
updated: Sun Nov 05 2023 16:01:40 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sun Nov 05 2023 16:01:40 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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