The goal of automatic report generation is to generate a clinically accurate and coherent phrase from a single given X-ray image, which could alleviate the workload of traditional radiology reporting. However, in a real-world scenario, radiologists frequently face the challenge of producing extensive reports derived from numerous medical images, thereby medical report generation from multi-image perspective is needed. In this paper, we propose the Complex Organ Mask Guided (termed as COMG) report generation model, which incorporates masks from multiple organs (e.g., bones, lungs, heart, and mediastinum), to provide more detailed information and guide the model's attention to these crucial body regions. Specifically, we leverage prior knowledge of the disease corresponding to each organ in the fusion process to enhance the disease identification phase during the report generation process. Additionally, cosine similarity loss is introduced as target function to ensure the convergence of cross-modal consistency and facilitate model optimization.Experimental results on two public datasets show that COMG achieves a 11.4% and 9.7% improvement in terms of BLEU@4 scores over the SOTA model KiUT on IU-Xray and MIMIC, respectively. The code is publicly available at