arXiv reaDer
Learning-Based and Quality Preserving Super-Resolution of Noisy Images
Several applications require the super-resolution of noisy images and the preservation of geometrical and texture features. State-of-the-art super-resolution methods do not account for noise and generally enhance the output image's artefacts (e.g., aliasing, blurring). We propose a learning-based method that accounts for the presence of noise and preserves the properties of the input image, as measured by quantitative metrics (e.g., normalised crossed correlation, normalised mean squared error, peak-signal-to-noise-ration, structural similarity feature-based similarity, universal image quality). We train our network to up-sample a low-resolution noisy image while preserving its properties. We perform our tests on the Cineca Marconi100 cluster, at the 26th position in the top500 list. The experimental results show that our method outperforms learning-based methods, has comparable results with standard methods, preserves the properties of the input image as contours, brightness, and textures, and reduces the artefacts. As average quantitative metrics, our method has a PSNR value of 23.81 on the super-resolution of Gaussian noise images with a 2X up-sampling factor. In contrast, previous work has a PSNR value of 23.09 (standard method) and 21.78 (learning-based method). Our learning-based and quality-preserving super-resolution improves the high-resolution prediction of noisy images with respect to state-of-the-art methods with different noise types and up-sampling factors.
updated: Fri Nov 03 2023 22:00:50 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Nov 03 2023 22:00:50 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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