arXiv reaDer
LinFlo-Net: A two-stage deep learning method to generate simulation ready meshes of the heart
We present a deep learning model to automatically generate computer models of the human heart from patient imaging data with an emphasis on its capability to generate thin-walled cardiac structures. Our method works by deforming a template mesh to fit the cardiac structures to the given image. Compared with prior deep learning methods that adopted this approach, our framework is designed to minimize mesh self-penetration, which typically arises when deforming surface meshes separated by small distances. We achieve this by using a two-stage diffeomorphic deformation process along with a novel loss function derived from the kinematics of motion that penalizes surface contact and interpenetration. Our model demonstrates comparable accuracy with state-of-the-art methods while additionally producing meshes free of self-intersections. The resultant meshes are readily usable in physics based simulation, minimizing the need for post-processing and cleanup.
updated: Wed Jan 03 2024 19:57:42 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Oct 30 2023 22:29:50 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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