arXiv reaDer
Semi-Synthetic Dataset Augmentation for Application-Specific Gaze Estimation
Although the number of gaze estimation datasets is growing, the application of appearance-based gaze estimation methods is mostly limited to estimating the point of gaze on a screen. This is in part because most datasets are generated in a similar fashion, where the gaze target is on a screen close to camera's origin. In other applications such as assistive robotics or marketing research, the 3D point of gaze might not be close to the camera's origin, meaning models trained on current datasets do not generalize well to these tasks. We therefore suggest generating a textured tridimensional mesh of the face and rendering the training images from a virtual camera at a specific position and orientation related to the application as a mean of augmenting the existing datasets. In our tests, this lead to an average 47% decrease in gaze estimation angular error.
updated: Fri Oct 27 2023 20:27:22 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Oct 27 2023 20:27:22 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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