arXiv reaDer
DecoderTracker: Decoder-Only Method for Multiple-Object Tracking
Decoder-only models, such as GPT, have demonstrated superior performance in many areas compared to traditional encoder-decoder structure transformer models. Over the years, end-to-end models based on the traditional transformer structure, like MOTR, have achieved remarkable performance in multi-object tracking. However, the significant computational resource consumption of these models leads to less friendly inference speeds and training times. To address these issues, this paper attempts to construct a lightweight Decoder-only model: DecoderTracker for end-to-end multi-object tracking. Specifically, drawing on some real-time detection models, we have developed an image feature extraction network which can efficiently extract features from images to replace the encoder structure. In addition to minor innovations in the network, we analyze the potential reasons for the slow training of MOTR-like models and propose an effective training strategy to mitigate the issue of prolonged training times. On the DanceTrack dataset, without any bells and whistles, DecoderTracker's tracking performance slightly surpasses that of MOTR, with approximately twice the inference speed. Furthermore, DecoderTracker requires significantly less training time compared to MOTR.
updated: Fri May 24 2024 03:53:26 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Oct 26 2023 05:49:44 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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