arXiv reaDer
Towards long-tailed, multi-label disease classification from chest X-ray: Overview of the CXR-LT challenge
Many real-world image recognition problems, such as diagnostic medical imaging exams, are "long-tailed" x2013 there are a few common findings followed by many more relatively rare conditions. In chest radiography, diagnosis is both a long-tailed and multi-label problem, as patients often present with multiple findings simultaneously. While researchers have begun to study the problem of long-tailed learning in medical image recognition, few have studied the interaction of label imbalance and label co-occurrence posed by long-tailed, multi-label disease classification. To engage with the research community on this emerging topic, we conducted an open challenge, CXR-LT, on long-tailed, multi-label thorax disease classification from chest X-rays (CXRs). We publicly release a large-scale benchmark dataset of over 350,000 CXRs, each labeled with at least one of 26 clinical findings following a long-tailed distribution. We synthesize common themes of top-performing solutions, providing practical recommendations for long-tailed, multi-label medical image classification. Finally, we use these insights to propose a path forward involving vision-language foundation models for few- and zero-shot disease classification.
updated: Mon Apr 01 2024 20:18:02 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Oct 24 2023 18:26:22 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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