arXiv reaDer
Deep Learning for Automatic Detection and Facial Recognition in Japanese Macaques: Illuminating Social Networks
Individual identification plays a pivotal role in ecology and ethology, notably as a tool for complex social structures understanding. However, traditional identification methods often involve invasive physical tags and can prove both disruptive for animals and time-intensive for researchers. In recent years, the integration of deep learning in research offered new methodological perspectives through automatization of complex tasks. Harnessing object detection and recognition technologies is increasingly used by researchers to achieve identification on video footage. This study represents a preliminary exploration into the development of a non-invasive tool for face detection and individual identification of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) through deep learning. The ultimate goal of this research is, using identifications done on the dataset, to automatically generate a social network representation of the studied population. The current main results are promising: (i) the creation of a Japanese macaques' face detector (Faster-RCNN model), reaching a 82.2% accuracy and (ii) the creation of an individual recognizer for K island macaques population (YOLOv8n model), reaching a 83% accuracy. We also created a K{\=ojima population social network by traditional methods, based on co-occurrences on videos. Thus, we provide a benchmark against which the automatically generated network will be assessed for reliability. These preliminary results are a testament to the potential of this innovative approach to provide the scientific community with a tool for tracking individuals and social network studies in Japanese macaques.
updated: Tue Oct 10 2023 09:57:19 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Oct 10 2023 09:57:19 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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