arXiv reaDer
DiffNAS: Bootstrapping Diffusion Models by Prompting for Better Architectures
Diffusion models have recently exhibited remarkable performance on synthetic data. After a diffusion path is selected, a base model, such as UNet, operates as a denoising autoencoder, primarily predicting noises that need to be eliminated step by step. Consequently, it is crucial to employ a model that aligns with the expected budgets to facilitate superior synthetic performance. In this paper, we meticulously analyze the diffusion model and engineer a base model search approach, denoted "DiffNAS". Specifically, we leverage GPT-4 as a supernet to expedite the search, supplemented with a search memory to enhance the results. Moreover, we employ RFID as a proxy to promptly rank the experimental outcomes produced by GPT-4. We also adopt a rapid-convergence training strategy to boost search efficiency. Rigorous experimentation corroborates that our algorithm can augment the search efficiency by 2 times under GPT-based scenarios, while also attaining a performance of 2.82 with 0.37 improvement in FID on CIFAR10 relative to the benchmark IDDPM algorithm.
updated: Tue Oct 10 2023 03:22:31 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat Oct 07 2023 09:10:28 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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