arXiv reaDer
OCU-Net: A Novel U-Net Architecture for Enhanced Oral Cancer Segmentation
Accurate detection of oral cancer is crucial for improving patient outcomes. However, the field faces two key challenges: the scarcity of deep learning-based image segmentation research specifically targeting oral cancer and the lack of annotated data. Our study proposes OCU-Net, a pioneering U-Net image segmentation architecture exclusively designed to detect oral cancer in hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained image datasets. OCU-Net incorporates advanced deep learning modules, such as the Channel and Spatial Attention Fusion (CSAF) module, a novel and innovative feature that emphasizes important channel and spatial areas in H&E images while exploring contextual information. In addition, OCU-Net integrates other innovative components such as Squeeze-and-Excite (SE) attention module, Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling (ASPP) module, residual blocks, and multi-scale fusion. The incorporation of these modules showed superior performance for oral cancer segmentation for two datasets used in this research. Furthermore, we effectively utilized the efficient ImageNet pre-trained MobileNet-V2 model as a backbone of our OCU-Net to create OCU-Netm, an enhanced version achieving state-of-the-art results. Comprehensive evaluation demonstrates that OCU-Net and OCU-Netm outperformed existing segmentation methods, highlighting their precision in identifying cancer cells in H&E images from OCDC and ORCA datasets.
updated: Tue Oct 03 2023 23:25:19 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Oct 03 2023 23:25:19 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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