arXiv reaDer
RF-ULM: Deep Learning for Radio-Frequency Ultrasound Localization Microscopy
In Ultrasound Localization Microscopy (ULM), achieving high-resolution images relies on the precise localization of contrast agent particles across consecutive beamformed frames. However, our study uncovers an enormous potential: The process of delay-and-sum beamforming leads to an irreversible reduction of Radio-Frequency (RF) data, while its implications for localization remain largely unexplored. The rich contextual information embedded within RF wavefronts, including their hyperbolic shape and phase, offers great promise for guiding Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) in challenging localization scenarios. To fully exploit this data, we propose to directly localize scatterers in RF signals. Our approach involves a custom super-resolution DNN using learned feature channel shuffling and a novel semi-global convolutional sampling block tailored for reliable and accurate localization in RF input data. Additionally, we introduce a geometric point transformation that facilitates seamless mapping between B-mode and RF spaces. To validate the effectiveness of our method and understand the impact of beamforming, we conduct an extensive comparison with State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) techniques in ULM. We present the inaugural in vivo results from an RF-trained DNN, highlighting its real-world practicality. Our findings show that RF-ULM bridges the domain gap between synthetic and real datasets, offering a considerable advantage in terms of precision and complexity. To enable the broader research community to benefit from our findings, our code and the associated SOTA methods are made available at
updated: Mon Oct 02 2023 18:41:23 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Oct 02 2023 18:41:23 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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