arXiv reaDer
Auto-ACD: A Large-scale Dataset for Audio-Language Representation Learning
Recently, the AI community has made significant strides in developing powerful foundation models, driven by large-scale multimodal datasets. However, for audio representation learning, existing datasets suffer from limitations in the following aspects: insufficient volume, simplistic content, and arduous collection procedures. To establish an audio dataset with high-quality captions, we propose an innovative, automatic approach leveraging multimodal inputs, such as video frames, audio streams. Specifically, we construct a large-scale, high-quality, audio-language dataset, named as Auto-ACD, comprising over 1.5M audio-text pairs. We exploit a series of pre-trained models or APIs, to determine audio-visual synchronisation, generate image captions, object detection, or audio tags for specific videos. Subsequently, we employ LLM to paraphrase a congruent caption for each audio, guided by the extracted multi-modality clues. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed dataset, we train widely used models on our dataset and show performance improvement on various downstream tasks, for example, audio-language retrieval, audio captioning, zero-shot classification. In addition, we establish a novel benchmark with environmental information and provide a benchmark for audio-text tasks.
updated: Mon Sep 09 2024 14:52:15 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Sep 20 2023 17:59:32 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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