arXiv reaDer
Pre-training on Synthetic Driving Data for Trajectory Prediction
Accumulating substantial volumes of real-world driving data proves pivotal in the realm of trajectory forecasting for autonomous driving. Given the heavy reliance of current trajectory forecasting models on data-driven methodologies, we aim to tackle the challenge of learning general trajectory forecasting representations under limited data availability. We propose to augment both HD maps and trajectories and apply pre-training strategies on top of them. Specifically, we take advantage of graph representations of HD-map and apply vector transformations to reshape the maps, to easily enrich the limited number of scenes. Additionally, we employ a rule-based model to generate trajectories based on augmented scenes; thus enlarging the trajectories beyond the collected real ones. To foster the learning of general representations within this augmented dataset, we comprehensively explore the different pre-training strategies, including extending the concept of a Masked AutoEncoder (MAE) for trajectory forecasting. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our data expansion and pre-training strategies, which outperform the baseline prediction model by large margins, e.g. 5.04%, 3.84% and 8.30% in terms of MR_6, minADE_6 and minFDE_6.
updated: Mon Sep 18 2023 19:49:22 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Sep 18 2023 19:49:22 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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