arXiv reaDer
Dataset Condensation via Generative Model
Dataset condensation aims to condense a large dataset with a lot of training samples into a small set. Previous methods usually condense the dataset into the pixels format. However, it suffers from slow optimization speed and large number of parameters to be optimized. When increasing image resolutions and classes, the number of learnable parameters grows accordingly, prohibiting condensation methods from scaling up to large datasets with diverse classes. Moreover, the relations among condensed samples have been neglected and hence the feature distribution of condensed samples is often not diverse. To solve these problems, we propose to condense the dataset into another format, a generative model. Such a novel format allows for the condensation of large datasets because the size of the generative model remains relatively stable as the number of classes or image resolution increases. Furthermore, an intra-class and an inter-class loss are proposed to model the relation of condensed samples. Intra-class loss aims to create more diverse samples for each class by pushing each sample away from the others of the same class. Meanwhile, inter-class loss increases the discriminability of samples by widening the gap between the centers of different classes. Extensive comparisons with state-of-the-art methods and our ablation studies confirm the effectiveness of our method and its individual component. To our best knowledge, we are the first to successfully conduct condensation on ImageNet-1k.
updated: Thu Sep 14 2023 13:17:02 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Sep 14 2023 13:17:02 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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