arXiv reaDer
Diffusion-Guided Reconstruction of Everyday Hand-Object Interaction Clips
We tackle the task of reconstructing hand-object interactions from short video clips. Given an input video, our approach casts 3D inference as a per-video optimization and recovers a neural 3D representation of the object shape, as well as the time-varying motion and hand articulation. While the input video naturally provides some multi-view cues to guide 3D inference, these are insufficient on their own due to occlusions and limited viewpoint variations. To obtain accurate 3D, we augment the multi-view signals with generic data-driven priors to guide reconstruction. Specifically, we learn a diffusion network to model the conditional distribution of (geometric) renderings of objects conditioned on hand configuration and category label, and leverage it as a prior to guide the novel-view renderings of the reconstructed scene. We empirically evaluate our approach on egocentric videos across 6 object categories, and observe significant improvements over prior single-view and multi-view methods. Finally, we demonstrate our system's ability to reconstruct arbitrary clips from YouTube, showing both 1st and 3rd person interactions.
updated: Mon Sep 11 2023 17:58:30 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Sep 11 2023 17:58:30 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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