arXiv reaDer
An explainable three dimension framework to uncover learning patterns: A unified look in variable sulci recognition
Explainable AI is crucial in medical imaging. In the challenging field of neuroscience, visual topics present a high level of complexity, particularly within three-dimensional space. The application of neuroscience, which involves identifying brain sulcal features from MRI, faces significant hurdles due to varying annotation protocols among experts and the intricate three-dimension functionality of the brain. Consequently, traditional explainability approaches fall short in effectively validating and evaluating these networks. To address this, we first present a mathematical formulation delineating various categories of explanation needs across diverse computer vision tasks, categorized into self-explanatory, semi-explanatory, non-explanatory, and new-pattern learning applications based on the reliability of the validation protocol. With respect to this mathematical formulation, we propose a 3D explainability framework aimed at validating the outputs of deep learning networks in detecting the paracingulate sulcus an essential brain anatomical feature. The framework integrates local 3D explanations, global explanations through dimensionality reduction, concatenated global explanations, and statistical shape features, unveiling new insights into pattern learning. We trained and tested two advanced 3D deep learning networks on the challenging TOP-OSLO dataset, significantly improving sulcus detection accuracy, particularly on the left hemisphere. During evaluation with diverse annotation protocols for this dataset, we highlighted the crucial role of an unbiased annotation process in achieving precise predictions and effective pattern learning within our proposed 3D framework. The proposed framework not only annotates the variable sulcus but also uncovers hidden AI knowledge, promising to advance our understanding of brain anatomy and function.
updated: Thu Mar 21 2024 15:12:36 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat Sep 02 2023 10:46:05 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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