Depth completion aims to recover dense depth maps from sparse ones, where color images are often used to facilitate this task. Recent depth methods primarily focus on image guided learning frameworks. However, blurry guidance in the image and unclear structure in the depth still impede their performance. To tackle these challenges, we explore an efficient repetitive design in our image guided network to gradually and sufficiently recover depth values. Specifically, the efficient repetition is embodied in both the image guidance branch and depth generation branch. In the former branch, we design a dense repetitive hourglass network to extract discriminative image features of complex environments, which can provide powerful contextual instruction for depth prediction. In the latter branch, we introduce a repetitive guidance module based on dynamic convolution, in which an efficient convolution factorization is proposed to reduce the complexity while modeling high-frequency structures progressively. Extensive experiments indicate that our approach achieves superior or competitive results on KITTI, VKITTI, NYUv2, 3D60, and Matterport3D datasets.