arXiv reaDer
What Makes Good Open-Vocabulary Detector: A Disassembling Perspective
Open-vocabulary detection (OVD) is a new object detection paradigm, aiming to localize and recognize unseen objects defined by an unbounded vocabulary. This is challenging since traditional detectors can only learn from pre-defined categories and thus fail to detect and localize objects out of pre-defined vocabulary. To handle the challenge, OVD leverages pre-trained cross-modal VLM, such as CLIP, ALIGN, etc. Previous works mainly focus on the open vocabulary classification part, with less attention on the localization part. We argue that for a good OVD detector, both classification and localization should be parallelly studied for the novel object categories. We show in this work that improving localization as well as cross-modal classification complement each other, and compose a good OVD detector jointly. We analyze three families of OVD methods with different design emphases. We first propose a vanilla method,i.e., cropping a bounding box obtained by a localizer and resizing it into the CLIP. We next introduce another approach, which combines a standard two-stage object detector with CLIP. A two-stage object detector includes a visual backbone, a region proposal network (RPN), and a region of interest (RoI) head. We decouple RPN and ROI head (DRR) and use RoIAlign to extract meaningful features. In this case, it avoids resizing objects. To further accelerate the training time and reduce the model parameters, we couple RPN and ROI head (CRR) as the third approach. We conduct extensive experiments on these three types of approaches in different settings. On the OVD-COCO benchmark, DRR obtains the best performance and achieves 35.8 Novel AP_50, an absolute 2.8 gain over the previous state-of-the-art (SOTA). For OVD-LVIS, DRR surpasses the previous SOTA by 1.9 AP_50 in rare categories. We also provide an object detection dataset called PID and provide a baseline on PID.
updated: Fri Sep 01 2023 03:03:50 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Sep 01 2023 03:03:50 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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