arXiv reaDer
SiT-MLP: A Simple MLP with Point-wise Topology Feature Learning for Skeleton-based Action Recognition
Graph convolution networks (GCNs) have achieved remarkable performance in skeleton-based action recognition. However, previous GCN-based methods rely on elaborate human priors excessively and construct complex feature aggregation mechanisms, which limits the generalizability and effectiveness of networks. To solve these problems, we propose a novel Spatial Topology Gating Unit (STGU), an MLP-based variant without extra priors, to capture the co-occurrence topology features that encode the spatial dependency across all joints. In STGU, to learn the point-wise topology features, a new gate-based feature interaction mechanism is introduced to activate the features point-to-point by the attention map generated from the input sample. Based on the STGU, we propose the first MLP-based model, SiTMLP, for skeleton-based action recognition in this work. Compared with previous methods on three large-scale datasets, SiTMLP achieves competitive performance. In addition, SiT-MLP reduces the parameters by up to 62.5% with favorable results. The code will be available at
updated: Wed Sep 27 2023 02:44:12 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Aug 30 2023 13:20:54 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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